key brewing

New Brews News 10/17/2019

DuClaw Brewing Co., Key Brewing, & Charm City Meadworks - 2 Stars Not My Style

DuClaw Brewing Image 2 Stars Not My Style.png

Style: American Sour Ale

ABV: 7.1%

Notes: This day and age the public has the power. A simple rating on Ratebeer, Untappd or Beer Advocate can virtually make or break a brew. That said, sometimes…well, actually more often than we’d like to admit, the system can be abused. In a playful response to online beer review culture, Baltimore’s DuClaw Brewing Company, Key Brewing, Charm City Meadworks, and World of Beer Baltimore have come together to collaborate on “2 Stars Not My Style”, a hazy sour IPA with peaches, pretzels, paw paws, honey, and lactose. Specifically, the label is calling out those who rate styles they don’t like in the first place. Captain Neckbeard Redditor Beersnob shouldn’t take offense, it’s all in good fun. Right?

Monument City Brewing Co. - Lamp Lighter Imperial Porter

Monument City Brewing Can Image Lamp Lighter.png

Style: Imperial Porter

ABV: 9.2%

Notes: Highlandtown’s own is welcoming the chilly temperatures with this new Imperial Porter. Featuring robust notes of chocolate, roasted coffee, and a hint of vanilla, this 9.2% malt bomb is ideal for sweater weather.

Monument City Brewing Co. - Waterways Double IPA

Monument City Brewing Waterways.png

Style: Imperial IPA

ABV: 8.5%

Notes: Brilliantly golden in color, this Double IPA drinks smooth with a woodsy and earthy pine flavor, with hints of lemon zest shining through. In today’s India Pale Ale culture clouded with haze, it’s nice to have a straightforward hop bomb that goes back to its roots.